When Drew and I was arranging this game, we got talking about what other games he has lined up, he mentioned he was using his demons in a 40k game, and I asked him if he would bring them to our fantasy game as I have never fought against that army before, he agreed.
Skaven Army
Grey seer on screaming bell, with fencer blades, earthing rod, Dragon bane gem and Skalm
Fell blade Warlord with shield.
Chieftain BSB 4++
3 units of 50 slaves with Mus.
50 Stormvermin, full command.
2 units of 9 gutter runners, poison and slings.
1 Warp Lightning Cannon
2 units of 3 Storm Fiends
2 rattling cannons and 1 wind laucher
1 ginder fist, 1 doomflayer gauntlets and 1 with shock gauntlets.
2 rattling cannons and 1 wind laucher
1 ginder fist, 1 doomflayer gauntlets and 1 with shock gauntlets.
2 rat darts
Demon army
Kur'gath Plaguefather
Herald of Nurgle, locus of Contagion, on palanquin.
Masque of Slanesh
35 Bloodletters, standard and musican
20 Plague bearers, standard and musician.
3 Bloodcrushers, champion.
5 flesh hounds.
Herald of Nurgle, locus of Contagion, on palanquin.
Masque of Slanesh
35 Bloodletters, standard and musican
20 Plague bearers, standard and musician.
3 Bloodcrushers, champion.
5 flesh hounds.
Skulls for the skull throne! |
Blood for the blood God! |
Demons - Curse of the leper
Skaven - Warp Lightning, Howling warpgale, Death frenzy, Scorch
Field of battle. |
Demons left to right - Fleshhounds, Bloodthrister, Bloodcrusher, Bloodletters, Plaguebearers, Kur'gath, Masque of Slannesh.
Skaven left to right - Ratdart, Slaves, Slaves, Stormvermin and Bell, Slaves, StormFiends, Ratdart, Warp Lightning Cannon.
"Fool-idiot, there will be no malfunctions this time, or your head will be forfeit." Grey Seer Kye Snarled at him, Engineer Drew knew when to keep his snout down. "No-no, most benevolent of seer's all will be well with the cannon." The last malfunction had looked supicous, though nothing had been proven, and no link lead back to the canny engineer, the grey seer was a suspicious one.
Demon Turn 1
The Demons rush forward, to get at the rats as soon as possible. Masque of Slannesh runs for the skaven cannon. Bloodthrister flies over the impassable rocks to get on the skaven flank.Demons attack. |
Storm of fire, sweeps the battlefield. |
1 claw of gutter runners flee. |
"Most wise engineer, I have got-taken the bolt's you asked for" The first year warplock held the offending bolt's in an out stretched paw. "as you asked no-one saw-heard me." A wide toothy grin spread across his master's snout, no longer low, deft claws drew and fired a pistol before understanding could register on the apprentice's face.
Horde advances. |
Bell lurches forward |
*CLANG* The unholy clamour of his bell was off note Grey seer Kye noticed on the first ring. As his bodyguard lurched forward, the grey seer was already scrambling across the scaffolding to see why it had rang off note.
He need not have worried about the Bloodthirster, the cannon crew had similar concerns and put a blast through him, and a flesh hound behind him.
Bloodthirster dies. |
Poison is potent |
Hot warp lead, shreds the Masque. |
Demons Turn 2
Charge! Bloodletters assualt the Bell. Crushers charge the slaves. Flesh hounds attack the rat dart.Khrone demands Skulls! |
Fleshhounds dine on giant rat. |
Main Melee |
Skaven Turn 2
Storm Fiends tunnel up behind the Demon lines, they see Kur'gath is wounded and go in for the kill, Mr Fellblade, can also see a Charge path at Kur'hath if he goes alone. But once out in the open losses his nerve, a and stumbles to a standstill.Mr Fellblade, caught out in the open. |
Now at the top of the scaffold Grey seer Kye could see the problem, the bolts where gone, the axle out of line another ring would snap it completely, the rat orge ringer was already pulling it back, no time to warn the others,the grey seer did the only thing he could do, save his own hide....
BOOM! The Bell rolls triple six and explodes with Apocalyptic Doom!!!
Mushroom cloud! |
Two thirds of my infantry dead in one explosion. |
Treacherous fiends. |
Shredded bearers |
Storm Fiends assault the Demon leader. |
Flee! |
With the poison wind clearing around him, the first thing Mr Fellblade see is the stormvermin running, he panics himself and runs. As do the unengaged slaves.
And me, Flee! |
Bloodcrushers break the slaves, but lose one of their own in the ensuing panic.
A cornered rat bites back. |
Demons Turn 3
Bloodletter chase away the Stormvermin, then redirect and also chase away the slaves.
Stop running away we want combat. |
Cowards! Stand and fight me. |
Storm Fiends finally kill the plaguefather. They reform the face the Heralds back.
Skaven Turn 3
Combat Fiends charge the Herald of Nurgle in the rear. Cannon shoots at the last bloodcrusher, but fails to do enough wounds to kill it.That the best you can do? |
Fiends assault. |
Papa Nurgle will be pleased. |
Dam you fellblade, he almost escaped. |
Fleeing fiends. |
Demon Turn 4
BloodLetters charge the fleeing fiends and push them to the very table corner. This panics the giant rats set up to stall the Plaguebearers.why won't anyone fight us? |
We bring Nurgles rot to your cannon. |
Glorious Rot! |
Skaven Turn 4
With nothing but the fiends left on the table, and them about to flee of I am ready to shake hands when............ The Fiends rally!!! Going down fighting!Here is where we make our stand! |
Demon Turn 5
The summoned plaguebearers, flush from their victory against the cannon, turn and charge the fiends, stand and shoot takes most and the rest of the nurgle filth is bludgeoned and stomped in combat.All the khrone demons are out of charge range, so they speed as quickly as possible to encircle the Stormfiends!
Dakka Dakka! |
Skaven Turn 5
Shuffle and shoot. 7 bloodletters die in a hail of warp lead.Eat warp bullets Demons. |
Demon Turn 6
Khrone charge! Bloodletters are out of range. Stand and shoot kills 2 and a half flesh hounds. Bloodcrusher charges but can't close the gap.No bad puppy! |
I said sit! |
Skaven Turn 6
Stuck in combat, the fiends are unable to shoot. So they kill the last hound in combat.Naughty puppy. |
Demon victory!
What a game, the bell exploding turn 2 was unexpected, but made for a fun game fighting a rear guard action.
As the remnants of the skaven horde filtered back into the underdark, Engineer Drew was there to take charge, slaves where re chained, stormvermins loyalties where brought, and the Grey Seers name was spoken like a curse. So far the coup had been successful, now gathered before Engineer Drew, the clanrats and stormvermin listened as the engineer told them how only he could lead them from such a disaster. Unseen a grey clad figure entered the cavern. Fur singed of on side of his face, a single word escapes his snout in a hiss "Traitor!" Black lightning Arc's across the cavern......