Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Character skirmish - Skaven vs Aelves - Age of Sigmar

With plenty of time after our main battle I decided to show Pete how versatile the AoS rules can be.
So I suggest we each choose 3 infantry character. We moved all the scenery in nice and tight. And played a character skirmish.

 On the left standing in the building is the High Mage. At the buildings base is the High elven Prince, and sheltered behind the church is a Loremaster.
 On the Skaven side of the settlement, there is a Warplock Engineer, in the middle is a Warlord, and on the right a Plague Priest.

Turn 1 Elves
The Skaven Engineer has his head poking out to far, and is targeted with arcane bolt and the prince's arrow, the spell is dispelled, and the arrow is dodged, but would have served him (me) right for having his stood out that far.
 Turn 1 Skaven
Skaven scamper into buildings for more cover. Warlock casts boosted warp lighting and is dispelled, a feeling he will soon get use to, as the elven casters spend the rest of the encounter shutting his spells down. Trusting  his pistol more he takes a shot at the Prince, but using the cover of the trees he evades the shot.
Plague Priest attempts to invoke the pestilence breath, but is not devote enough and must pray harder for next time.
 Turn 2 Aelfs
Lore master shelters in the shadow of the tower, and casts mystic shield on his Prince. High Mage glides through the forest, his arcane bolt is dispelled by a frantic warlock, who now realises he has been separated from the pack. Prince exits the forest and shoots at the warplock, but cover saves the rat man injury.
Prince and High Mage assault the building the warplock is hiding in. He is wounded but lives at least for the moment.
Turn 2 Skaven
Plague priest invokes wither on the loremaster, warlord declares he will "gnash'n' gnaw his bones" as they both pile out of the tower to strike at the lore master. Between them they wound him grievously but some fight yet remains in the elf.

Warplock tries desperately to kill one of his foes, recognising the heavily armoured Prince with a mystical shield is a tough nut to crack, he decides to focus on the mage. He casts a supercharged warp lighting ....... it is dispelled before it lands, he fires his pistol point blank at the elven mage, but the blow is a glancing. He hacks maddly at the elf, but is unable to do any telling wounds. The Elven Prince steps up and hacks the loathsome rat wizard down. Knock prone barely clinging to life.

Turn 3 Aelfs
The wounded Loremaster casts Arcane bolt at the warlord before fleeing away from any retribution. Seeing his warlord in peril, the engineer/wizard attempts dispells the magical attack, but is unable to do so and the Skaven warlord is badly wounded.
Only to realise his mistake, as the Elf mage in combat with him begins to summon his own magical attack, too exhausted to dispelled again, he is blasted to atoms.
Now free of the gun toting rat man. The prince and mage exit the building to attack the exposed Warlord and priest.
Drawing his bow, the Elven Prince looses his arrow into the Skaven warlords back, who dies with a squeal.
Then the Elven mage charges past and out distances the Prince, to get at the Plague Priest, both swing their staffs, but only the pox priest is able to land a blow.
Turn 3 Skaven
The pestiliant Priest invokes wither on the Elven mage, he raises his warpstone tipped quarter staff to stave the elves head in, swings and misses.
In return the mage thrusts his staff into the rats abdomen knocking the breath out of the creature.
Turn 4 Aelf
Looking down on his winded foe the mage summons an arcane bolt and and finishes of the rat.

A Victory for the elves and a great demonstration of how flexible the Age of Sigmar rules can be.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Aelf's vs Skaven - Age of sigmar battle report.

Pete came over, looking for his first taste of Age of Sigmar. So after fixing the flight stand on his Phoenix. We threw down a couple of forces and i showed him the ropes.

Now first of I apologise I am out of practice and didn't take as many photos as I should have, and no notes either, but i will do my best to tell the story of the game.
Left to right - Shadow warriors(5) hide in the left forest, flamespyre shelters behind the building. Spear elves(10) take the centre. Mage behind the levy, Prince on the spear elves flank. Whitelions(10) and the loremaster hold the flank.
Left to right - Abomination is the strong right flank, rat swarms follow in it's wake. A pack master heards a pair of rat orges forward. Ikit claw leads the army from a rear position. Stormvermin(10) hold the centerfield. Garrioning the building are some warplock Jezzials(3) and a plague priest.
Turn one Aelf
Elves advance forward, shadow warriors move out of cover to loose arrows at the plague priest, dealing a wound to him.
The rest of the Aelf advance cautiously.
Turn 1 Skaven
Gutter runners infiltrate the flank.
The Moulder beasts are herded forward. Jezzials shoot and wound the pheonix minorly. The Abomination fails to charge.
Turn 2 Aelfs
The Flamespyre moves up for the Kill run, shadow warriors advance, and loose there arrows but are unable to hit the Priest who hides in the building.

Phoenix charges the building a greivously wounds the Priest, in return the Jezzials move to defend their bunker and the stormvermin pile into it's tail, it suffers a few telling wounds. It could have been much worse if more than a couple of vermin had been in pile in range.
On the other flank, the beast hunting whitelions charge the Abomination, and the spear elves charge the Rat ogres. Abomination seizes the initiative and surges it's bulk into the whitelions killing 4 of their number. Spear elves poke a few holes in the Rogers, and lose 2 of their own to the beasts fury.
Turn 2 Skaven
Ikit claw scales the building and unleashes Stormdemon and his warpfire thrower at the flamespyre pheonix, the toxic warp fire  smothers it's magic flame and brings the giant turkey down!
Gutter runners decide that shooting the Loremaster isn't working go in for the kill. But the master is not going done easy a survives the first round of attacks
A single whitelion fights on against the massive monster. While only a few spear elves and the Prince fight on verses two rat ogres.
Turn 3 Skaven
As if thing were not going poorly enough for the elves, then the Skaven steal the initiative.
Stormvermin charge and kill the shadow warriors. Jezzials shoot and kill the high mage. Stormdeamon Ikits magical weapon unleashes it's spell devastating the spears and wounding the prince.
On the other Skaven flank, the gutter runners drag down the loremaster. Abomination stomps on the remaining whitelion. Prince is killed by a rat orge.

With only one spear elf remaining we call it there.
I felt bad for the stomping, but Pete had seemed to enjoy it.

After game thoughts.
I had thought to balance my force as an equal counter to the elves so that we could both enjoy a balanced game.
In this I failed, my perceition of the elves strenght was higher than it is. I am now considering using a comp to balance against forces I have not played often.
Clash comp seems simple but effect. I will try to convince my next opponent to try it out.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Hobby depression, wargaming, larp and rpg

I wrote this long post a month ago, but never published it, I have calmed down a lot since it's conception, but I have decided to publish it all the same.

I have been in a bit of a hobby funk recently, many factors have contributed to it. So many over such a long period that it has taken me a while to process it. In order to process it better I hope that by writing it into a coherent post will help me organise my thoughts.

My hobbys all overlap, so what affects one can bleed into the rest.

What I consider my hobbys are LARP, wargaming, Rpg's, painting and reading.

When my daughter was born, I made the decision to stop larping for while, 6 month was the estimate. That came and went and I didn't rush to get back. Months later we found out our son was coming, so returning got pushed back further.
You see, I work 5 and a half days a week, so the weekends are the majority of time I get to spend with the kids. I do not regret this decision, I have cherished all the time I have spent with them. So I hadn't been back in 3 years. 
That changed this year I have been back twice, once to help a friend out and the second time because I saw the opportunity to end a personal story line of mine. It was Epic and I am glad I did it. It has left me with some keen to return. But I am still apprehensive about missing my time with the kids.

War gaming.
I got back into wargaming (after a long hiatus) just before my daughter was born, knowing that I was going to be away from LARP for a while I was looking for something, my partner and I could do together at home and something for the evenings (games and painting). It was round this time I stopped PC gaming as it was taking all my attention and I wanted to direct it to my kids.
It went well for a while, but it was clear my partner didn't enjoy it as much as I did and so she put it on the self. where it pretty much remains to this day (3 years later).
I continued, as I had friends who played and I was able to get in a game once a month or so with different people. And I found painting to be rewarding and relaxing. Even in the short hour or two I get free of an evening is enough to give me my fix. I might not be quick but over the 3 years I have amassed a reasonable sized Skaven force with only a few bits left to be painted.

And then Age of sigmar hit.

Now let me be clear I like AoS. It's fun and as long as both players consider their opponents enjoyment it can be a balanced and challenging game.

But apart from one good friend no one else seems very interested in it. So getting games in has become harder and the number of opponent fewer. What should have reinvigorated the hobby has left it a deserted wasteland.

So what are the options? Well I could look into joining the local wargaming club. But even before AOS they didn't play many WHFB games, and I guess (i haven't found out yet) that they at even less now.

I'd like to find a game I can use my Skaven army for. So my options for this are -
8th edition WHFB - I have a couple of friends who are still playing ,but for myself I have had enough of 8th it was fun but I have become tired of it's faults and I am ready to move on, especially as I don't want to play a game that has no support (company or community-based).
Kings of War - I'd be very interested in trying this out, I have alreaxy given it a look over. Unfortunately I know of no one else who plays it and only one friend who is willing to try.
9th Age fantasy battle - I'd love to try this out the community support for this project is huge, but locally I know no one who is even aware of it.
Age of Sigmar - I love this game it can be a lot of fun. But with very few people willing to try it, I am forced to look at other options if I am to get regular games.

So without a clear option there, I have looked at other systems that are not warhammer derived. These seem to be more popular at local clubs. Games like Malifaux and Warmachine/hordes. I am a little reluctant to get invested in another game when I am well invested in my current army.

I feel I should mention it briefly, I have no interest in 40k. And I have a few ships for X-wing, but a occasional friendly game is all I want from it.

I like the fantasy genre. I don't mind when the game mixes in some black powder/steam punk/alchemy. But straight up sci-fi does not push my buttons.

So what I want is. a game I can play fairly regularly. This might mean venturing out to a local club and adopting their popular game of choice. Might be a problem as the local wargaming club lost their venue recently.

While on the subject !damn it GW! We wanted an improved 8th, AoS has split a small community into even smaller groups. So much so that even we who like AoS are having to look elsewhere to get some games of anything in.

The question I have asked myself recently is......

Am I playing these games, so I can role play or so I can play a game?

I seem to have lost my way recently and have not been enjoying the current campaign we was playing. This turned into negativity has infected the rest of the group. And so we have now stopped playing for a while. This saddens me as I have enjoyed playing RPG for many years but a combination of things have, conspired to this negativity.

Solutions:- I have considered finding a new group, I know where I could find one if I wanted to. But I am reluctant to make the jump as it would mean leaving the kids for an evening. Where as my last group came to my place.
Maybe a new game system would help, but a new system would not improved the role play opportunity's with the current group.
Maybe I could take a swing at GM'ing, something i have not done before. To get me started I have been looking into a boxed campaign. Like Iron kingdom: Unleashed box game, or Dungeon Saga: Dwarf kings quest or even the humble D&D box game that I already own. These would give me a pre made game to run.
Of course there are always other worlds to explore, Modern ones like Dead reign or World of Darkness. Or Sci-fi like Rougue trader or RM 3000.
But echoing my earlier feelings, I like fanstay games for the most part and I am not as interested in a modern/horror or sci-fi campaign/system.

Now we have thrown up a wall of text only the most die hard readers will stick with me to read the rant I have on why I stopped enjoying my last group/campaign.

It started innocently enough, we were play testing a friend's system. He had written the core, we would discuss the mechanics sugggest improvements and for a long time they where taken on board, he would suggest something was to strong and we would discuss limits.
But at some point for the owner of the system it became to personal. When we suggested improvements it was seen as an attack on his system. And instead of asking us to place limits on it he would, nerf things without opening to the players to find a limiting factor. So we stopped offering criticism as it put him on the defensive.
So I had lost a lot of the fun half way through the campaign we was playing. I was ready to quit around then. The others seemed to be enjoying it, but I had lost the love.
And then it stopped, the campaign was put on pause, so we could start a new campaign, I was past caring but I know the others where upset that the game they was enjoying was stopped.
We started a new campaign I hoped it might re:invigorate my enjoyment, but early on I asked about the accuracy mechanic and was flat told we was using it, no explanation. This new starter campaign was supposed to be simpler to ease in a newer player. And a few tweaks had changed the system dramatically, but he was set he had got the balance right and would hear no discussion. And then the first death happened early on, and the member got back up fully healed, there was a story reason for this of course, but it quickly became apparent that dying was not an easy thing to achieve (believe me  we tried). I could not help but think the kiddy gloves were on to help the new player.
And she was very new, never having played a Rpg before (tabletop or vid game). So she was loot eagar (forgivable) but painful to watch but what bothered me more was watching the extra dice rolls when the result was bad and no one was watching. Well I was watching and I did see. But she had a relationship with the GM so i left it to him to sort out. But now I'm watching for it, but when he did catch her extra rolls it was quiet, and glossed over quickly. I can't decide if he didn't want to embarrasses her or if he was embarrassed she was doing it. But I was watching subtly now, and so when I hear him allowing her an extra major action (climb attempt) I was pissed. As I had already seen him suggest OC knowledge to help her (which herb). What was the point in playing a game where there is no risk, it takes some of the fun of the game out of it. And as it had descended into let's do stupid shit mechanic fest (role play was not rewarded nor encouraged) I lost interest. And clearly it was plain to see. As after that the game was cancelled.

So now I am left with out a Rpg group. And I am miserable with nothing to break the monotony of tv every evening. I hate watching TV every night, (once in a while is ok) but I don't play computer games anymore, I have no one to play war games against often, I have no to group to meet with weekly, and I have little reason to paint miniatures, when they won't get used.

So I am in a little hobby funk.

Plague Priest - painted

This model was a lot of fun to paint. I really enjoyed the time I spent on this model. 

 Perched on top of a hero rock, swinging his censure, urging the plague children unto greater heights of frenzy.
 It almost makes me want to get some plague monks to go with him....... but not enough to see past the bad (IMO) sculpts on those models.
The before picute shows I painted this guy in 2 pieces as grtting by under his cloak for the detail work on his face would have been difficult otherwise.

*New daylight photos*

Next on the painting table I have decided to finally paint a war litter, I made the warlord on shields a long time ago but i have never got round to finishing the conversion. I had planned on using stormvermin as the bearers but I changed my mind and with be using some armoured clanrat models (lots of these spare) with stormvermin shields.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Ikit Klaw and Rat swarms - painted

I hate this model and I hate the paint job I have dine in it, because I hate the model so much I gave up trying to make it look nice, and settled for done.
Edit Addendum :
*deep calming breath*
Truly, it is my colour choice on the metal, I tired to emulate the colour I did on my Stormfiends, but whilst it worked on them I don't feel it translates well to a smaller model.
My little trantrum, is more to do with a general hobby funk than the model itself. But my frustration has come out in my painting, leaving me disappointed with the results.

 Rat swarms were more fun. Many tiny details, trying to paint each one a slightly different colour. And knowing when to not add details (eye's and teeth) as the detail is to small to notice.

And here is the sum total of every thing I have left to paint for myvskaven army. The plague censor I made into a unit filler. A plague priest. Warlord on shield warlitter and the 4 stormvermin meant to carry him.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Saving Stone - Jonny Nexus - book review

A prequel to Jonnys award winning Game night, the novella Saving Stone see's us pre-acquainted (yes I made that word up) with the characters from the novel.

For me this was a trip down nostalgia lane, the characters I had meet before coming back to life in my imagination, wonderfully crafted by the authors witty sharp dialogues. A look at where the characters came from. And some of the adventures that shaped them. Don't be confused this is not an origin story, happening somewhere in the middle of their adventuring careers. But it does make me wonder how this group came together? what where they like at level 1? Did they ever work as a team?

I feel it would be lacking as a introduction to the Game night story, as it doesn't introduce the characters as well as the main novel does, but as a follow up it colours the characters for those who have read the first novel. It does show readers a glimpse at the character movations....well the characters prejudices against each other.

It has prompted me to re read Game night, as it reminded me of a story I enjoyed even though I rarely reread books this time I will make a exception.

I highly recommend everyone read Game night, so they can go on to this prequel!.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Half a War and Whisper frpm Mirrowen - book reveiws

Half a War - Joe Abercrombie
The final part of the Shattered sea Trilogy, eagarly awaited and well received.
We follow three new point of view characters as they take part in the event of the war of the Shattered sea. Princess Skara, becomes the linchpin in the northern alliance. Brutal Raith provides us with our combat scenes that the author is renowned for doing so well. And Koll who played a small part in the last two books has matured into his own inner monologue.
The previous books have had some amazing plot twists. And so I spent time while reading trying to guess where they would happen. Even expecting the twists, some of them took me by surprise still.
Such is Abercrombies skill at writing.

Whispers from Mirrowen Trilogy by Jeff Wheeler

Found this series while it was cheap, suited my tastes so I picked it up.
This is my first paddle into this world, it is different from a lot of others. It has the feel of a high fantasy world but even though I tried I could not make the original races of this world fit with my expectations of a high fantasy worlds. This is a good thing, it make me engage my brain to imagine the races described, rather than just pulling images of established stereotypes.

Fireblood follows a group of young characters as they are set on a fetch quest. The first book really sets the scene for the trilogy well, building the world, protagonists and antagonist are introduced for the story to come.

Dryadborn with the world established we get into the middle part of the story, collecting the pieces of the puzzle needed to finish the quest.

Posionwell the final journey into the Scourge lands. Action, despair and death, all is explained and revealed. A fine ending to the trilogy, everything that I was wondering about in the previous books is explained.

I like the writing style of these books, I was surprised while reading it to see quotes used (in terms that made sense in the story) that I recognized from our history. Upon reading the Authors bio I realised it was his intension as he was a student of history, and is obviously pulling from his education.

I will have to look at other books by this author, I believe he has more set in this world, and it was unique enough for me to want to know more.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Rat Ogres - Painted

Amongst some of the first models I got for my Skaven army, was a box of Rat Ogres. I quickly realised that, they were not effective in 8th edition, thus they have stayed unpainted for 3 years. But in the Age of sigmar, with a packmaster near they are good fun to deploy. So I pulled the finger out and got these 2 brutes painted. 
I apologise for the washed out photos it was dark when I finished these Sunday evening and I won't have the opportunity to do any daylight photos til next weekend.

 Next up are another couple of models I have had for a long time, Ikit claw and a couple of Rat swarms.