Pete came over, looking for his first taste of Age of Sigmar. So after fixing the flight stand on his Phoenix. We threw down a couple of forces and i showed him the ropes.
Now first of I apologise I am out of practice and didn't take as many photos as I should have, and no notes either, but i will do my best to tell the story of the game.
Left to right - Abomination is the strong right flank, rat swarms follow in it's wake. A pack master heards a pair of rat orges forward. Ikit claw leads the army from a rear position. Stormvermin(10) hold the centerfield. Garrioning the building are some warplock Jezzials(3) and a plague priest.
Turn one Aelf
Elves advance forward, shadow warriors move out of cover to loose arrows at the plague priest, dealing a wound to him.
The rest of the Aelf advance cautiously.
Turn 1 Skaven
Gutter runners infiltrate the flank.
The Moulder beasts are herded forward. Jezzials shoot and wound the pheonix minorly. The Abomination fails to charge.
Turn 2 Aelfs
The Flamespyre moves up for the Kill run, shadow warriors advance, and loose there arrows but are unable to hit the Priest who hides in the building.
Phoenix charges the building a greivously wounds the Priest, in return the Jezzials move to defend their bunker and the stormvermin pile into it's tail, it suffers a few telling wounds. It could have been much worse if more than a couple of vermin had been in pile in range.
On the other flank, the beast hunting whitelions charge the Abomination, and the spear elves charge the Rat ogres. Abomination seizes the initiative and surges it's bulk into the whitelions killing 4 of their number. Spear elves poke a few holes in the Rogers, and lose 2 of their own to the beasts fury.
Turn 2 Skaven
Ikit claw scales the building and unleashes Stormdemon and his warpfire thrower at the flamespyre pheonix, the toxic warp fire smothers it's magic flame and brings the giant turkey down!
Gutter runners decide that shooting the Loremaster isn't working go in for the kill. But the master is not going done easy a survives the first round of attacks
A single whitelion fights on against the massive monster. While only a few spear elves and the Prince fight on verses two rat ogres.
Turn 3 Skaven
As if thing were not going poorly enough for the elves, then the Skaven steal the initiative.
Stormvermin charge and kill the shadow warriors. Jezzials shoot and kill the high mage. Stormdeamon Ikits magical weapon unleashes it's spell devastating the spears and wounding the prince.
On the other Skaven flank, the gutter runners drag down the loremaster. Abomination stomps on the remaining whitelion. Prince is killed by a rat orge.
With only one spear elf remaining we call it there.
I felt bad for the stomping, but Pete had seemed to enjoy it.
After game thoughts.
I had thought to balance my force as an equal counter to the elves so that we could both enjoy a balanced game.
In this I failed, my perceition of the elves strenght was higher than it is. I am now considering using a comp to balance against forces I have not played often.
Clash comp seems simple but effect. I will try to convince my next opponent to try it out.
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