Grunts - Mary Gentle
I was reading an article on someone else's blog about books that were doing gritty before G R R Martin. This was one on a list of ten that caught my attention, and as it is cheap on the kindle I decided to give it a go.
Here's the article.
10 authors who wrote gritty realistic fantasy before g r r martin
This was a strange one, not what I was expecting at all. A group of Orc's find a dragon's horde of strange weapons, the horde is cursed, you become what you steal, they stole M16 they became the Orc Marine Core.......
As for the writing of the book, well to start the style I difficult to follow, choppy disjointed, but half way through the book I found it easier to read and follow. I don't think this is because I got use to the style, I believe the quality of writing actually improve, not the first time I have seen this happen to an author either.
Very fun concept, glad I read it, first half was a real struggle, but we'll worth it for the court Marshall scene in the second half of the book, bad guys get guns, no one is safe :)
King of the Vile - David Dalglish
I started this book when it first came out, but stopped after I couldn't remember how the previous book in the series ended, so I went back to Prison of Angles* skim read it to remind myself of the details. Then got distracted by the above book, and then Dance of Chaos came out (another series by the same author). I decided it was time to read it, so I knuckled down and got back into King of the Vile.
Glad I did as well, with a refreshed memory this book made more sense and I really enjoyed it.
Complicated overlaping subplots which all lead to the progression of the main world plot. This book was masterfully woven into a comprehensive story, having read David's work of many years now I am furrowly impressed at how he has improved as an author.
Harruq struggles to hold the captial together. Tar'lack is captused. Vile attack north, all the old heroes on the move. Angels split their faction. One Angel faction falls.
Heroes come together to face the new danger. End
A good set up for the next book, I am now eagerly awaiting!
*(deliberate spelling mistake/in joke)
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