Monday, 21 September 2015

Stormcast eternal in Endtimes;Khaine

          *** Warning Spoiler Alert***
If you intend on reading End times;Khaine or War Storm, go no further, you have been warned.

Back during the end times one of my favourite stories from Endtimes;Khaine was Alaroth's journey into Papa Nurgles garden. On quest the rescue the goddess Shalya, he meets several companions. A scholar, a mortal wizard and a Knight.

Now at the time there was alot of forum speculation on the identity of the knight, most claiming it was some spacemarine (i don't play 40k so wasn't that bothered, but thought it could have been a nice cross over of the games).

But now I am not convinced.

I have re read the description of the knight.
He is described as being of a larger stature, in silver armour, in carries a sword, talks strangely, and with a wave of his hand, blue fire erupts amoungst his enemy's.

Now I suspect a lot of assumptions have been made for people to guess him a spacemarine.

So let me make some of my own, I believe this is our first look at a stormcast eternal.....Now let me explain why.....

I have just finished reading Warstorm. The last story in this anthology, details the exploits of the Steel souls warrior chamber, led by Lord Celestant Gardus, known as Steel soul.

The stormcast of his legion do not wear gold armour, oh no they wear silver armour.

Without giving away the entire story, during a fight against nurgle demons, Gardus throws himself into the portal from which the demons are coming straight through from Nurgles garden. The great unclean one holding the portal open follows him in and the portal closes behind them.

It is remarked in Warstorm that an enternals soul in the realm of chaos would not return to sigmar. And the final scene of the book is Gardus, running from the Great unclean one through nurgles garden, the impression is that the chase has been going for a while.

Now it is easy to assume that he is caught and tortured, and that is how we find the Knight in the end time book, chained down and covered in pestilent insects.

His size and armour described in the Khaine story match that of Steel Soul's though he appears to have lost his hammer. And the blue fire that appears with a wave of his hand (viewed from a distance) could be the celestial hammer ability of the Lord Celestant has on his warscroll.

But wait Kye! the time line is completely wrong.
Yes I am well aware that chronologically, the End time happened long before the Age of Sigmar.
But i have heard it said in Black libary literature the further you travel into the realm of chaos the less meaning time has. And that at the centre of the Realm of chaos, where Nurgles own manse is located, the ruinious powers become omnipresent in the affairs of the mortals. Because time has no meaning there. And it is only when they venture out, to meddle in the mortal realms that they lose the omnipresence.

A massive leap in assumption making, but a fun one.

If any one is interested in proving me wrong please, let me know why the Knight is definantly some spacemarine, cite your source material and I will look into it myself.

But for me this was an Easter egg of what was to come. Dropped quietly into an End time book. I enjoyed making the connections and double checking the Khaine book after I thought of it. It seems to fit.

Edit: additional
If you enjoyed this exposition please read the Follow up article here.

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