This week's campaign game is the sudden assault battle plan. In our story the Skaven have moved into the outer city and are ransacking the population and buildings when a large force of knights arrive to evict the rats.
Skaven - Rat Ogors and their pack master garrison the deadly terrain. On the inspiring hill perch the stormvermin, the warpfire thrower and the warplock engineer.
Brettonian - 5 knights errant, damsel, 5 knights of the realm, 10 knights of the realm, 5 grail knights, paladin holding battle standard, Brettonian lord. 5 knights of the realm.
Turn 1 Brettonian
Brettonian Lord inspire his cavalry to ride faster and further. Damsel gives out the blessing of the lady.
The cavalry charge straight into the dangerous terrain the Rat ogors are lurking in, several horse die. But most slam home into the mutated rat beasts.
Grail knights kill 2 Ogors, realm knights kill one. Ogors retaliate and kill 2 Grail knights and 3 Realm knights.
Turn 1 Skaven
Engineer fails to cast mystic shield on the hill, but does inspire his troops to hold this hill. The pack master runs away hoping to get back to the hill while the knight's are still fighting. Ogors kill a Grail knight, and a couple more realm knights. The remaining knights kill 2 of the Ogors.
Turn 2 Brettonian
Lord again urges the cavalry onward, Damsel gives out the lady's blessing. The knights lap around the right flank and prepare to charge in 2 waves.
The first charge wave hits, the units of knight charge into the stormvermin infesting the hill. The pack master between is trampled.
One plucky knight drives deep into the Ratman ranks and rides up a spur of the hill
There are casualties on both sides but the vermin are using the terrain to their advantage, and avoid the worse of the charge.
Turn 2 Skaven
With a second wave of knights fast approaching, the Warplock general casts mystic shield on the vermin. And inspires them not to flee. He then summons forth from behind the hill his second Unit of rat Ogors. (Part of the battle plan allows me to bring back 1 unit I had previously lost.)
The Verminous Ogors charge into the knights on the flank. Savagely they tear apart the horses and men alike.
On the other side of the hill, the stormvermin gang up on the other unit of knights, only one is left alive.
Continuing the charge up the flank, the Rat Ogors charge into tho last remaining Grail knight and find the Brettonian Lord with him in the wood.
The Ogors make short work of the grail knight.
But find the lord his made of tougher stuff.
In retaliation, the lord kills 2 of the ogors and wounds a third.
Turn 3 Skaven
The Skaven steal the initiative, and the ogors finish off the Lord. On the hill the vermin finish of the last knight and prepare for a another wave of knights. Warplock continues to cast mystic shield.
Turn 3 Brettonian
Second wave charges over the still warm remains of the first. Slamming into the infested hill.
Paladin engages the rat ogors.
The hill runs with blood, black and red. The slaughter is high on both sides, but with the initial charge spent, it will become a war of attrition.
Paladin lashes out and slays an Ogor, but 2 are still his match over several rounds of combat he is dragged from his horse and torn apart.
The slaughter continues only a few knights and a Damsel remain. But neither are there many stormvermin to hold the hill.
Engineer and the warpfire thrower have been putting out shots all battle with limited success. But the warpfire thrower finally finds it's range and kills 2 knights
Free to return to the hill, the ogors charge the last knight.
Tear him and his horse to pieces in an orgies of gluttony.
Whilst on the hill the Vermin surround the Damsel and drag her from her horse and repeat the scene at the base of the hill.
Skaven Victory.
Lost track of the turns with my pictures after turn 3 but the flow of the battle is plain to see.
Turn 3 really was the turning point, stealing the initiative allowed the Skaven to clear up their combats before the next wave hit. Could have had a different ending if the Brettonians had piled into an on going combats.
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