Friday, 31 October 2014

Blessed Samhain

Blessed Samhain to all.

This week my hobby time has been taken up decorating the house for the kids. Drawing and cutting out monster silhouettes for the windows.

And craving pumpkins. Left to right, Jennie did a wonderful monster with craved teeth and eye's, this photo doesn't do it justice, in the middle is my effort at Peppa pig, and right is Reillys first solo effort at a lantern, he did really well and I am very proud of him.

With all the decorations done I got a little hobby time, dry brushed the armour, to cover any heavy Verdigris. Then started on the red base coat of the cloth.

Time tonight - 50 mins
Total Time - 12 hours 30 minutes.


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

ITPB - Verdigris

It's been a while since I last had time to paint, as I have been busy making halloween decorations.

Tonight I finished the bronze on the last 2. And the added a Verdigris affect to them all. Well if you leave underground you armour is bound to get rusty.

I used the GW technical paint Nithlus Oxide, mixed 1:1 with medium. Straight out of the pot it has far to much pigment and would cover far more than I wanted.

Time Taken 1 hour 20 minutes
Total time 11 hours 40 minutes

Saturday, 25 October 2014

ITPB - Bronzing

Made some good progress tonight, made a lot of head way painting the bronze armour. Still a couple to do.

The below picture shows the base coat of Brown, a single coat of bronze on the brown and an old batch where the bronze was several coats onto black primer. Really happy with how vibrant the bronze is over the brown.

Time tonight 2 hours 15 minutes
 Total time - 10 hours 20 minutes

Thursday, 23 October 2014

ITPB - base coat wins!

 Tonight in the painting box, I did the trial run of bronze on to the brown base coat, and it came out wonderfully, my plan was to then paint a coat of bronze onto a black primed model butvafterbdoing half a helm I could see it would need several coats so I decided to go ahead and base coat all the armour Brown.

One bronzed, seven painted Brown, four to go.

Time taken -1 hour 45 minutes
Total time - 8 hours 5 minutes.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

ITPB - The grind

In the painting box tonight, I added the final layer of flesh tone to the dirty dozen.

On Google plus today I posted a question to the PMP group, what base colour should I use to make the bronze go on easier. Most of the responses where robuse a different bronze, and I got several recommendations on quick bronze/gold/copper apply well on to black primer, so come the weekend I will be making a little shopping trip to get some new paints.

The other suggestion I was given, was to paint the armour a Brown first. So I am going to experiment on 2 of the models, base coating the armour Brown then applying the bronze. I think I'll do a comparison by painting the bronze on a black undercoated model and a Brown base coated one.

Monday, 20 October 2014

ITPB - layers apon layers

Today in the painting box, we have (drumroll please) storm vermin.

So this evening I washed the flesh with Seraphim Sepia, stopping a few times to bases coat a few places I missed first time round. Then layered on Cadian flesh. Next session I will add a Layer of elf flesh.

Not sure when I will get chance to paint again. I have a role play game on Tuesday night, and the misses and I need to speed some time together. Maybe Thursday I can get the painting box back out.

Time spent - 1 hour 20 minutes
Total time - 5 hours 20 minutes

Sunday, 19 October 2014

In the painting box - more stormvermin progress

front left is an example of a finished SV

So got a little more time tonight, got the box out, and slapped some paint on.

I started with Rhinox hide base coat on the fur and shafts of the halbards, followed that with a purple wash on the tails and mouths/muzzled.

Next job will be to wash the rest of the flesh with sepia se....(what ever it's called)

Time Taken - 1 hour 15 minutes
Total time -  4 hours

On a side note counted my slave models I have 137 models, 121 of which are painted.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

In the painting box - Stormvermin progress

After about a week away from any painting I finally get some time free to sit down and get the painting box out again.

So first of I start by putting the second coat on to the bases, this time it's a well watered coat of cathan Brown. But as it's so wet it takes a while to dry, while I'm waiting I do the other 16 slaves , 2 swarms and 2 Rogres bases I started at the same time as the Vermin last week.

After an hour drying time, i get back to the Vermin and move on to the first base coat of flesh using Talran flesh.

Time Taken.

20 minutes to do the bases
1 hour 45 mins for the flesh base coat

Total so far - 2 hours 45 minutes.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Review - DMPG Bat rep

DMPG Battle Reporter: Warhammer fantasy beastmen vs Skaven

DMPG you had nothing to fear I loved your battlle report.

I enjoyed the mix of still images and video, it gave your report a unique style that no one else does much.

It was well put together and easy to follow the flow of the battle.

The speed up audio had me in laughing, it sounded like two excited chipmunks playing a game of warhammer.

But I will suggest if you are going to talk over the video, is it possible to lower the volume of the chipmunks?

I highly recommen this report to others, well worth 6 and a half minutes of anyone's time.

Thanks for the report, I look forward to watching your future fantasy battle reports.

Next time give Git-Git a sound beating.

Ranty Rat - Please remeber the Gamers

So chatting with Pete via text today, and the conversation gets on to the lack of fantasy keen amongst our friends. X-wing has most of them enthralled, and now Malifaux is making a resurgence. What follows is a slightly doctored essay of a text I sent to Pete....

.......Problem with the end times is it's so narrow band, it not something everyone can get excited about because not everyone has the armies it effects and who wants to buy four 50 pound books that have nothing to do with there own army. I am hoping that when GW get a new CEO that he might lead them down a different path. I continue to play fantasy because I want large army battles, not small skirmishes. If I fancy a small game I'll play x wing, but I am not going to get any more ships i have 3 that's enough for 100 point list, not enough keen for it to get any more........

This stems from my own frustration, I still want to play fantasy, but my small group of friends who play have lost their enthusiasm for the game, moving on the smaller skirmish games that whilst I play them i don't have the same keen for them that i still have for fantasy.

In the Ends times had hoped that my VC and WoC playing friends might find a burst of new keen for the hobby but neither seem very fussed, I can't blame them 50 pound for a book that is masses of fluff and fluffy scenarios doesn't have much appeal for semi competitive player who want to test their generalship (did I just make up a word) against each other.

And I want to same thing, I want to test my Generalship (yep it's a word now) against other skilled opponents. But I want to clash large Armies together not small skirmish bands. I realise there are other games out that offer what I want but I lack the start up capital these days (those pesky kids want feeding again) to start a new game.

So my plea to GW and the new CEO (if indeed there is a new one). Fantasy is a great game, rich in lore and history. You are the best maker of miniatures (the cost is another topic). I know your focus is on collecters, but please remember the Gamers, we hope for a new edition that will reinvigorate the game, we know it won't be perfectly balanced, but please try to make a game that is fun and competitive.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Pirate King by R.A Salvatore

The Pirate King by R.A Salvatore

Following up from my last book we have the next in the series. The Priate King by R.A Salvatore.

Honestly I am biased, I love the characters I love the writting style, and master work here, even though the good guys lose I was on the edge of my seat through the whole book mainly worried that the main characters wouldn't get out alive. But even being able to guess the plot twists I enjoyed another drizzt's story.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Stormvermin start to finish

I'm going to log how long it takes to paint these 12 Vermin, so I had a couple of hours this evening.

40 minutes later I had got the first base coat of Mournfang on the bases, but I slapped it on watered down to fill the gaps in the sand. So it takes a while to dry.

So with the hour and 20 minutes left i grabbed out the few models I have remaining to paint and started the basing on them as well.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Off the painting table - 18 Skaven Slaves

Fresh off the painting table tonight we have more slaves.

With this batch done I have around 110 painted slaves and 16 more to do. I need about about 25 more for my 2400 point list, but honestly am losing the will to live painting slaves, so I will start thinking of some unit filling ideas....

Next I was hoping to start painting Pete's high elves, but as they still haven't looks like I will finish the 12 storm vermin I need to complete the unit.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The Orc King by R.A Salvatore

The Orc King, Transistions, Book 1

Drizzt's returns yay, so if you haven't read a load of the Drizzt's books already I suggest you go get Homeland by R.A Salvatore now!

First off I started this book back in 2013 but after the massive Drizzt's marathon I had just read I was a little bored and needed a break from my favourite drowning ranger. But I picked it back up and finished it so let's review....

I can't help it I'm a bit of a drizzt fan boy, I loved this book, the fight scenes are so well written they have me on the edge of my seat. It was almost in tears at times, so gut wrenching where the emotional scenes.

Mr Salvatore is not only an amazing aurthor but his subject matter is my brand of poison.

I give this book 5 crossed scimitars.

On to the next book in the sersis The Priate King.

Monday, 6 October 2014

The Binding by L Filloon

The Binding by L Filloon

Well I picked this one up for free, but I won't be picking up the next two if I have to pay for them.

Twilight with fae comes to mind. Bouncing between the main character's each chapter can get confusing, if you forget who is whining about the other in their respective chapters.

This type of book is not for me! But it was free so I won't rip into it further.

Next up time to finish The Orc King, by R.A Salvatore

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Gutter Runners

Here is my 2 units of Gutter Runners.

10 are the from the old Mordhiem game.

The other 8 are my conversions, using clanrat bodies, (armoured as all the unamoured models have become slaves) additional hand weapons weapons werecareful cut off the arms, and glued (with some careful filing) onto the off hands, the sling arms are from the slave  sling arm upgrade pack sold by GW.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

On the painting table n Skaven Slaves

Currently on the table is 18 Skaven Slaves, for my own army.
These are the more armoured clanrat models, so I am going for some very rusty armour.

The Broken Eye by brent weeks

Third installment from Brett and it just gets better, looking forward to the next book.