Last night I took a trip to the local gaming store, to run a Warhammer Fantasy demo game. I was a little worries that there would be no interest, but luckily an old friend Paul was there he use to play about a decade ago so we sat down and played a refresher game.
The armies are 400 points each.
High Elves
Noble with Great weapon.
10 Seagaurd with shields and full command
5 Sworsmasters with full command.
1 bolt thrower.
Chieftain additional hand weapon
26 clanrats with full command
Poison wind mortar
3 Rat Ogres and pack master
5 giant rats and pack master.
The game was quick, fast and fun. I used it to highlight various basic concepts of the game.
The Battle!
Charging full speed across the field, the giant rats fail to make it to their target, as the bolt thrower unleashes 6 bolts at short range, all of them hit and all off them wound.
Rat Orges tear across the distance, but elven shooting destroys 2 on the way. The remaining one makes it into combat, but is swiftly sliced down by the elven Noble. The swordmasters robbed of their foe, all turn there attention on the pack master, after it is quickly dispatched, they reform the face the centerfield, where the Seagaurd have been engaged by a horde of rat men.
Charging into the melee the swordmaster relieve the embattled Seagaurd. The Noble calls out the Chieftain, who in an uncharacteristicly show of bravery steps up to the challenge, but the Noble proves to be the better fighter inflicting one wound and receiving none in return.

In the main combat the Elven units cut down the rats and only suffer minor casualties in return. It's to much for the clanrats seeing their leader wounded, and their fellowss slain, they break and run , but barely get started before the elves cut them down from behind.
The swordmastets pursuit takes them into the last remaining skaven alive on the field. And we call the game there.
A good fun game, I hope it rekindled some enthusiasm in an old players.
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