Wednesday, 4 February 2015

I like some hobby with my hobby.

So last night I headed down the the LGS to run a warhammer fantasy demo. It all went well, but on the way out I got talking to the other patrons of the store. It went like this,

Cardboard Crack Dealer "Do you play Magic?"
Me "No"
Me "Er I like some hobby with my hobby game."

Now I am paraphrasing and I was a little more diplomatic than that. But I got me thinking why is that.

First off let me start by saying I like card games. I enjoy Munchkin, I had a great time playing Dominion the other week with some friends and before that we also played Cards against humanity. And yes I enjoyed that too.
But the difference I see between these games and MTG is that they are pick up and play, where as I feel MTG takes time (deck building/booster drafts) and a similar cash input I would associate with a hobby game.
And at the end of that process I have a deck of cards. Where as if I put a similar amount of money and time into Warhammer, I buy my plastic crack and turn it into a painted miniature that I can put on the the table to play a game with. Consequently I feel more invested as I have made something for the game, which it gives me a sense of accomplishment I don't think a deck of cards would provide for me.

Now that evening I was lucky enough to have been able to play a demo of Star Trek attack wing (thank you Paul). This game is very similar to Star Wars-X-wing, which I own a few ships for.
Now again, I enjoy these games they are fun pick up and play games. But I feel no sense of a accomplishment when I put those miniatures on the table, I put no effort into them other than spending a few quid (actually all my X-wing stuff has been gifts I haven't spent a penny on it myself) and thus it's just a game to me.
I have friends who love X-wing and they are constantly trying to construct the best lists (like deck building in MTG). But I also notice one is a notorious Tin boy (Looking at you Pete) who loves that the game is balanced and competitive.

Which leads me back the WHFB, because it is not a balanced game, and whilst you can be competitive when you play, it doesn't lend itself well to competitive play.
Why is this, well the rules are unclear, and unbalanced (between army books).
This use to bother me, when I was trying to play WHFB competitively. But I have since changed my attitude to the game, I am no longer solely trying to beat my friends, I play for the fun of the game, the narrative it can tell, and 3 or 4 hours when I have a friend around to chat and laugh with.

Wow this went onto a massive tangent.
To go back to my original point, no I don't play Magic, I prefer to hobby side (painting) of my hobby to be productive. And the games whilst they don't happen often are a fun social evening with a good friend.
This is why I stick with Warhammer despite the expense, the unbalanced rules, I am invested, not with money but with time, that I have spent lovingly painting the models. And it is a labour of love, after a day at work, I look forward to a relaxing hour or two indulging my art. It helps me relax and unwind, and forget the troubles of the day.

So keep your cardboard crack and pass me a paint brush.

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