Sunday, 1 March 2015

Stormfiends - Building and Magnetizing

So second part of the stormfiend saga, and we are on to the build stage. I have decided to magnetize the weapons options, this should be a fun new experience for me and I hope useful to others who want a guide when they want to try the same thing.
I will write this as a diary  for each hobby sessions (1-2 hours each).

Session 1
Started putting together the first model got about half way and decided I should start working out magnet posistions.

Already I have made an error, if I had worked out the magnet positions earlier I would have cut out the magnet hole before I glued the vambrace on the arm. I will learn from this mistake on the next one of this type I put together. But it should be a fairly easy cut to make when it is not glued together.

Grinder fist and shock gauntlet are fairly straightforward, I drilled holes the right size and depth for my magnets, glue them in, job done.
To clarify, this is done during the sub assembly, before the weapon is glued together.

Click Click, Success!
I have done the first arm and it works well.

Session 2
Magnet on the other hand.

Interchangeable weapons!

Session 3
Now I have the magnets sorted on one I am keen to work out the next. So I cut out a cleaned, the torso and arms of the next Fiend. One this one I think I will use 3 magnets, one and each arm and one for the chest mounted weapon. I have built the guns ready for drilling.
First completed model!

Session 4
A great 3 hours of hobby, rare I get to play this long. 
The plastic on this one is thin, less than the 2mm thickness of my magnets. So after drilling a through hole, I mixed up a small amount of greenstuff to hold the magnet in place.

Much drilling and gluing later we have my second completed model. This one was easier as the weapons are blockier (it's a word now) so there is plenty of plastic to drill into. I decided to leave off one of the armour plates till after painting. And One of the pipes will not be use on the model as I want the weapons interchangeable.

Session 4

So far a straight forward magnet job, drill holes and glue in the magnets. There is a small step where the arm joins the weapon but with a steady hand it is possible to drill in the center. The weapons are supposed to be attached with pipes to the back pack still working out what to do with these.

Session 5
I decided, that I no longer wanted the step in the arm join, so it was cut and filed away on both arms and all 4 weapons, this gives a stronger bond on the magnets (as the are closer.

Finished building  this fiend. The pipes are meant to be glued to the weapons but as I want to be able to change them, I have cut and filed the pipes, then glued them so that the pipes contect with the arm, so that it appears they are connected to the weapon when it is attached. I left the shoulder pad off, for painting

And some final pictures of the first 3 built, with all the various options.

3 done. 3 to go!

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