Second battle of the evening. This time round Skaven face of against demons of khrone.
Our home made scenario for this game is Champions of chaos. Temple of skulls in the middle of the table is worth 2 vps, killing the enemy General is worth 1 vp, and breaking through to the enemy deployment zone is worth 3vps.
Demons of Khrone are lead by a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Rage. His blood host consists of 2 mobs of bloodletters 10 in each. His lieutenant a Herald of Khrone. The vanguard are 4 Bloodcrushers and Karnak!
Fighting for the glory of the Horned Rat. Fang leader Scratch'paw, leads his 9 stormvermin brothers into battle. Supporting them comes 4 Rat Ogres and a Hell pit Abomination, prodded forward by 2 packmasters. Zooming up the flank the electrifying Doomwheel.
Turn 1 Demons
Demons race forward eager for combat. Bloodthirster lands on the temple of skulls.
Turn 2 Skaven
Scurrying forward the Skaven get into position.
Stormvermin charge up the hill they all hack at the large demon before them and seem pleased with the 5 wounds they inflict apon it. The Bloodthirster roars with unfettered rage and proceeds to kill the vermin to a rat.
Turn 2 Skaven
Seizing the initiative, that pack masters herd their beasts into the fray. Abomination climbs the hill to face down the fearsome greater demon. The rat orges are propped at Karnak.
Karnak savages a Rat orge. But also takes some wounds as the other pummel it.The Abomination and Bloodthirster shake the foundation of the temple with their titanic combat, both bear the wounds but no clear winner emerges.
Doomwheel stalls on the flank and jerks forward a short distance.
Turn 2 Demons
Karnak summons his hounds, who then assault the Rat Orges. Skull crushers move to charge the stalled doonwheel.
Rat Orges are still frenzied on the turn they charge, goaded by their pack master, they tear Karnak and 4 of his hounds to shreds.
Barely clinging to life the Abomination tears the bloodthirster down claiming the hill.
Skullcrushers begin to wreck the doomwheel.
Turn 3 Demons
The Herald leads the bloodletters onto temple of skulls, charging the wounded Abomination.
The Herald of Khrone strikes first, wounding the Abomination further, inspired by his presence the bloodletters strike next. Their hell blades finish the job cutting down the monster.
But the death throws activate the resuscitation engine. Pistons fire, fluid injecters pump into the beast, and warplightning super charges it regeneration capacitor, and up stands the Abomination. He then kills the Herald and half of the letters.Rat ogres surround and kill the last hound.
Blood crushers destroy the doomwheel without taking any casualty.
Turn 3 Skaven
Rat ogres move to and charge the blood crushers.But their claws and jaws are no match for a juggernauts armour. Only one of the demon engines is laid low. In return 2 rat ogres are slain.
Abomination Stomps on and smashes the remaining bloodletters.
Turn 4 Demon
Second unit of bloodletters Sally out of the tower. But are completely distracted when a savage orc board boy streaks across the field.
End of game
We decided to call it there. It was getting late. Our partners were waiting for us upstairs. Could have gone either way, with another turn or 2 but for the purposes of our victory conditions, this is a Skaven win as I am holding the most of the objectives.
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