Time for another battle report.
So playing it straight, no army restrictions save what we decide as we are placing, with the other players enjoyment in mind.
We decided to play an ambush skaven vs dwarfs. Stunties would start in the middle and the skaven would attack 12inches from the dwarven defences.
Set up
Led by rumours of a massive rat monster in the area. Dragon slayer Dwal and his shamed engineer companion Malik, head out of the stronghold to hunt it. Malik wants to test out his experimental war machine, he calls it Goblinhewer (counts as organ gun). Following the comes 10 troll slayers and leading them are 10 rangers (quallers).
Warlord Shred'claw was happy with the above ground tests of his new purchase, the monsterous Abomination had been worth every warp token. So when he heard of the slayer Dwarfs scouring the area, he was gleeful to set an ambush so he could see the abomination in action. Gathering his body guard of 10 stormvermin, he commanded his 10 nightrunners hide in the woods. The packmaster he ordered to prod the Abomination cross the field to be bait.
Slayers spot the monster and set up their war machine on the hill.Deployment
Whilst the Dwarfs are distracted the Nightrunners slink forward.
Turn 1 Dwarf
Seeing the Ambush the Dwarfs hold the high ground. Quarrellers shoot several night runners. Goblinhewer is set to full strength but fails to fine even with engineer Malik assistance it does not work.
Turn 1 Skaven
Goaded into battle the Abomination slams into the troll slayers. Nightrunners attack the quarrellers.
The giant rat monster bites, flails and stomps all of the troll slayers to death, they do not go quietly though as 5 death blows wound the monster.
Enraged at the death of his kindred slayers, the Dragon slayer piles into the monster.
And kills it in short order!
Turn 2 Skaven
Seizing the initiative, the skaven converge on the quaellers. While the warlord scurry-climbs the back of the hill to attack the dwarf war machine.
Warlord shred'claw kills 2 of the war machine crew. Stormvermin gnash and gnaw 6 quallers down, 5 skaven die in return. Dwarven rangers hold the high ground and are inspired, so no more flee from the rat assault.
Turn 2 Dwarf
Dragon Slayer D'wal conter-charges the skaven warlord. Goblin hewer is reset to full power and inspite the gentle adjustment with hammers fails to fire again!
Stormvermin continue to hack at the rangers, but using the cover to it's full advantage one plucky ranger survives a little longer.
Turn 3 Dwarf
Warlord Shred'claw plunged his blade into the slayers chest and watched snuggly as his weapons magics devoured the dwarf.
But D'wal the Abomination Slayer wasn't dead yet, with the last act he lashed out and severed the grinning rat man's head from it's furry body.
Setting Goblin-hewer to half power the contraption finally work eviscerating 4 vermin.
Turn 3 SkavenWhat's left of the Skaven make a last ditch attempt to wipe out the dwarf Engineer and his war machine.
The 2 remaining Stormvermin attack the last crewman. 3 nightrunners and the pack master gang up on the dwarven slayer engineer.
But dwarfs are made of stone and take no casualties. The Crew man kills a stormvermin. And the engineer kills 2 nightrunners, the last remaining one flees.
Turn 4 Skaven
The last stormvermin is slain by the war machine crew member. Packmaster and engineer fight but no wounds are exchanged.
Turn 4 Dwarfs
Finally free the last crewman turns goblinhewer around clocks it to half speed and unleashes the payload on the last rat man on the hill.
"Ha we'll call it skaven hewer from now on!" Said Malik
End of game
A dwarven victory in a very close game. It is always a fear in a game with no balancing system (points) that one player will over whelm the other with a massive model collection. But this game goes to show that if you both consider the others enjoyment, in the deployment then you can balance your own forces, with out setting restrictions, so that both players can compete and enjoy the game.
I haven't reported my last few games not because I haven't wanted to, but because we have been learning the AoS rules. I didn't want to be distracted with taking pictures and taking notes, sometimes I feel it is a disservice to my opponents to be distracted from the game so I can write my notes. But my opponent asked me why I hadn't done it for a while, so i decided to forget the notes take a load of pictures and tell the story of the battle opposed to the rolls and rules.
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