If pigs could fly - Jonny Nexus
Seven years ago I was fortunate enough to read Jonny Nexus's debut novel Game Night. At the time I was involved in a dysfunctional roleplay group and the book had me roaring with laughter as I drew parallels with my own experiences. It put a twist on my own hobby that made for an entertaining story.
Now seven years later, I happen to see an advert on Facebook advertising his new novel, the synopsis didn't sound like my usual read, but at the low kindle price of £1.99. I decided to try it out.
And I am glad I did.
We follow the investigation of the West Kensington Paranormal Directive Agency. An agency set up by the main character Ravinder who just seems a little bored of a mundane life as a social worker. His client and Co investigator, Professor Richardson. And the final member of the team Jess, a border collie. Each of these 3 take turns as the point of view, and each provide their own personalities.
“As Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s opium-taking protagonist once said, once one has ‘eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth’.”
A quote I took from the book where the Professor quotes a Sherlock Homles novel, which i feel has been drawn apon and parodied in Johnny s book. The book feels like a messed up supernatural Sherlock Holmes. Except there is no logical explanation. So the impobable one must be true.
The reason I enjoyed game night, was because it poked fun at my hobby. Low and behold in chapter 3 this book is poking at larp, that gave me a good chuckle.
But it's not just the hobby references that got me hooked but the satirical look at modern life, PCSO's, flash mobs, and conventions, all getting a mention
Things that have influenced me have clearly had a influence on the author and his shows in this book. For example the Monty Python reference, had me chuckling remember ing the original stretch. Adventure books and online text games, that I also enjoyed growing up.
A satirical look at modern British life, with a paranormal backdrop and a geeky upbringing.
As this book is listed as number 1, which leads me to believe that it is the first in the series, I fervently hope we don't have to wait 7 years for another book from this talented author.
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