I was lucky enough recently that the opening of a new local gaming store, lead me to getting in contact with an AoS player I hadn't meet before. We got talking and quickly arranged a game.
In our initial conversation we both discussed our interest in the SCGT comp pack that had recently came out, so we made our lists based on those rules and choose our 100 pool choices.
Brettonian Lord
Damsel of the lady
Paladin battle standard.
Paladin on foot
10 Knights of the realm
5 Grail knights
20 Peasant bowmen
Field trebuchet.
3 Pegasus Knights
10 Men at arms
5 Knights Errant
Warlord with warpforged blade
Grey seer
Pack master
20 Stormvermin
20 Clanrats x2
Doom wheel
Warp lighting cannon
Rattling gun
3 Jezzials
5 Gutter runners
3 Rat ogres
3 Stormfiends (grinder, doomflayer and shook)
Hell pit Abomination
The scenario we played was game 3 from the SCGT pack, Garden of life. Basic concept is to capture terrain.
Brett's left to right - Pegasus, Grail Knights, Knights of the realm, Brettonian Lord. Knights Errant. Damsel. Paladin Standard bearer. Men at arms. Archers, field trebuchet. Paladin on footSkaven left to right- Warlord, Rat ogors, Pack master. Abomination, Jezzials, Rattling gun, Stormvermin, Warp lightning cannon, Clanrats, Grey Seer, Clanrats, Doom wheel.
Reserves - Gutter runners and Stormfiends
Turn 1 Brettonian
Lord inspires the Knights of the realm. And the Damsel bestows the blessing of the lady on them as well. They continue to do this all battle.
Cavalry canters forward, hoping for a long early charge. Trebuchet aim's a shot at stormvermin, hits but only kills a handful. Knights attempt to charge but only the Pegasus knight make it into the rat ogor's. An Ogor bis slain but so is a Pegasus when the Skaven Warlord piles in and chops it down with his warpforged blade.
Turn 1 Skaven
Pack master whips the Abomination into the fray. Grey Seer, tell his underlings they will not flee,and does so for the rest of the battle, but fails to cast any spells.
Doom wheel, zooms down the right flank, as the Abomination shambles down the left. Troops advance the battle line while the artillery maneuvers into firing posistions. Stormfiends and gutter runners use the Gnaw holes to find their way on to the battlefield.
Jezzials fail to kill any grail knights. Rattling gunner calls for more hot warp lead, and sprays a lot of bullets at the knights of the realm, killing a couple. Warp lighting canon shoots and kills a handful of the Knights Errant. Doom wheel weakly zaps at the paladin, but misses the noble.
Abomination charges into the grail knights, chomps down on 4 of them. Stormvermin charge the Knights of the realm take a few casualties, but cause just as many on the knights. Doom wheel slams into the paladins front, while the gutter runners seek to jump him from behind, the paladin is wounded but there is still plenty of fight left in him. Stormfiends fail to make it into the peasant archers.
Pegasus recognise the threat the Warlord poses, so direct their attacks at him, the Raman is slain, in revenge the rat ogors pull one flying knight from the sky.
Turn 2 Bretonnia
Errant knights charge the Doomwheel. Lord charges the Clanrats. Peasant archers rain a arrow storm (80 shots!) on the fiends killing one (and a half) of them. Trebuchet Lands a good hit on the right flank Clanrats. Killing 10! 7 more flee the field. Dommwheel/paladin combat grinds on despite all the additional support neither side can break the deadlock. Brettonian Lord swings badly only killing a few Clanrats in the middle, but despite their massive numbers they only return a single wound. Grind in the center continues with loses on both sides. Abomination kills the final Grail night, Rat Ogors feast on flying horse.
Turn 2 Skaven
Rat ogors fly down the flank to claim terrain, but don't run far enough. Abomination turns into the center of the field. Rattling gun and Jezzials open fire on the knights in the center killing all but one, who is promptly cut down by stormvermin. Brettonian Lord, shows the Clanrats what is capable of, kills 9 of them. A knight errant is killed in the doom wheel combat. Stormfiends charge into the trebuchet and bowmen, destroying the trebuchet and killing some peasants.
Brettonian Lord breaks from combat to travel, so he can try to claim the ruins in the center. Errants and Damsel retreat take the right most ruin. Men at Arms charge into the doom wheel, but have a bad day and get mauled by spinning wheels. Peasant bowmen shot down a fiend in their midst, but he retaliates and kills a good number of them.
Turn 3 Skaven
Skaven guns turn on the lord in the ruin and a combination of the Jezzials rattling and the cannon, blow him to smithers. Clanrats in the ruin charge the Damsel but cannot kill her. Doomwheel is still not able to kill the mounted paladin. But the rest of the men at arms die when a few remaining Clanrats flank charge them. Stormfiends confines to rip up peasants.
And Thats when we called it due to lack of time. We decided it to be a draw, neither of us had succeeded in claiming the others territory yet. And with 2 unplayed turns it could have gone either way.
Looking forward to a rematch, we decided to drop the army size for the next game until we are more practiced and can play a full game in the 2 and a half hours.
Honourable mentions the grey seers command is a adequate replacement for the now missing Chieftain Standard bearer. It certainly stemmed the loses from my battle Shocks.
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