Tuesday night at the Grumpy Goblin Gaming Emporium is tabletop night so once again we rock up to represent AoS, this week I am joined by my good friend and old enemy Drew "da big boss".
Using the SCGT comp pack, with 70 pool armies. We rolled up battle plan 4, Fire and Brimstone, so basically scenery debuff's units inside and blocks line of sight, with a chance of killing any one inside.
3 units of 10 Orruks boyz
15 Black Orruks
10 Boar boyz
Shaman on boar
Warboss on boar.
Grimgor iron hide.
Greenskins big mob Formations
3 units of 10 Clanrats
30 Stormvermin
2 Warp fire throwers
Rattling cannon
Poison wind Mortar
Skaven Warlord
Thanquol on Bone ripper
Verminus clawpack formation.
Deployment Orruks - left to right - Orruk Boyz, Orruks Boys, Black Orruks, Grimgor, Boar boys, Warboss, Shaman. BoyzSkaven - left to right - Clanrats, Thanquol, Warp fire, Warlord, Stormvermin, Poison wind, warpfire, Clanrats, Clanrats, Rattling gun.
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Skaven Warlord leading from the back. |
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Strong Skaven center. |
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Orruks center |
Shaman casts Mystic shield on the Boar boyz.The whole mob of Orruks run at the ratmen. The boar boys are hoping to be the first into the fray. But the boar's they ride bulk at the long distance their riders want them to run. Fearing to be caught out in the open, away from the mob.
Turn 1 Skaven
Thanquol gives the blessings of tbe horned rat to the Stormvermin, followed by mystic shield. Then eyeing the Ortuk shaman across the battlefield Thanquol cast a scorch on the greenskin.
Skaven warlord commands everyone to "Gnash and gnaw their bones".
Poison wind mortar, lobes a globe into the boar boys, dropping one. The rattling gunner calls for "more-more hot warp lead." And fires at the Orruk boys on the flank killing 3.
Stormvermin take heart in there superior numbers and that the boar boys are un supported and charge.
Much hacking , slashing, gnashing and gnawing later, 7 Boar boyz lay dead (and mostly eaten) the rest flee the battlefield as quick as they can.
Turn 2
Rolled for initiative, first settles my 2. Then settle's his 1!
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Skaven cunning wins again! |
Warlord urges everyone to gnash and gnaw their bones.
Thanquol gives the blessings of the horned rat and a mystic sheild to the Stormvermin. Then tries to burn the shaman some more.
The rattling gun, kills a few more Orruk boyz on the flank. Poison wind mortar she'll misses it's target the Black orruks.
Buoyed by their success the stormvermin run into the Orruk leaders. Shaman is hacked down guickly but the Warboss is made of sterner stuff. And keeps fighting.
Turn 2 OrrukFrom his mounted position the Orruk Warboss can see over the sea of vermin to the black orruks running to his aid, with a thunderous scream be calls Da Big Waahhgg! Orruk boys on the flank charge the Rattling gun. Black Orruks charge the Stormvermin.
A brutal combat follows, heads and limbs, both green and furry go flying in all directions! 4 Orruks are killed, 2 more are incapacitated. Half the stormvermin die or flee! But not before the Orruk Warboss is drowned under a furry tide.
Center Boyz, run toward the Skaven guns,
And Waahhgg! Their way into combat
They get too close to Bone ripper though who piles into the green-skins.
Moving to the defence of their weapons team, the clanrats exact a toll of the boys on the flank, in return the rattling gun is damaged a little.
Boneripper smashes and clubs his way through 8 of da boys, unsurprisingly the last 2 flee. Weapon teams have been damaged, but not killed.
Turn 3 Skaven
Thanquol casts scroch and Arcane bolt at the black Orruks, but dispite the copious amounts of warpstone consumed only one of the spells works. And only kills one of the Black Orruks.
Warp fire throwers finally get range on a target, Grimgor, both call for a double load of fire, but one is damaged from the Orruks earlier attacks and explodes in a green flaming ball, the other is put of his aim and only Splashes Grimgor with a little fire.
Mortar team pumps extra pressure into a long range shot and kills 5 Orruks that have been claiming their territory.
Clanrats finish of the Orruks (in a previous turn) and not move to claim the Orruks territory.
Boneripper storms into the black Orruks. Fists flailing he kills 4 of the tough black Orruks.
Skaven Warlord takes a wound.
Turn 3 OrruksThings are looking bleak for the green-skinz, so Grimgor makes a last ditch charge to cut off the rats head, surging into Thanquol screaming his WAAGH!
Hacking and slashing wildly he managed to inflict wounds on the monstrous rat orge, leaping high and pulling himself up he comes face to face with Thanquol, pulling back his head to butt the rat man...... he over balances as the moving beasts shifts, falling back to the ground. Lying prone the last thing he sees are Bonerippers Warp braziers smoke trailing as they smash the Orruk into the churned loam of the battlefield.
Seeing the biggest Orruk take a decisive pummling the remaining Orruks take flight leaving the Skaven to claim the terrority.
Victory Skaven
Well I had fun, although he took a kicking my opponent still enjoyed himself, It was his first introduction to SCGT pools and scenarios, so with a little practice i'm sure he'll be giving me kicking in no time. The scenario meant that we both avoided terrain completely, so it didn't affect to battle it just broke up the field.
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