This week, Sean and I decided to reduce the army size down to 70 pool choices from the SCGT pack, as last week we ran out of time.
The scenario we rolled up was Winds of Death, Battle plan 2 of the same pack. A control the objective (we used red dice) scenario, but with added danger as the objective increase the chance of environmental damage.
Storm cast/Seraphon
Lord Celestant
Lord Relictor
5 Liberators x2
3 Decimators
3 Prosecutors
Old blood on Carnosaur
12 Sauras warriors
Slick Priest.
Arch warlock
2 Pack masters
2 units of 3 Stormfiends
2 units of 3 Rat Ogors
3 units of 10 Clanrats
Deployment Skaven
I started moving before rembering to take the picture.
Skaven left to right - Rat ogors, Clanrats, pack master, Stormfiends. Arch warlock. Stormfiends, pack master, rat ogors. Backfield 2 units of Clanrats holding objectives.
Turn 1 Skaven
Sensing an ambush the rats cautiously advance.
Deployment Seraphon/Stormcast
Skink priest holds the Tower. Sauras hold the ruin objective. Old blood on Carnosaur in the middle. Stormcast deploy in Azyr.
Turn 1 Seraphon/Storm cast
Stormcast wait in Azyr. Carnosaur runs for rough terrain and cover. Old bloods sun beam weapon wounds a Stormfiend.
Turn 2 Seraphon/ Stormcast
Lightning strikes the ground all over the battlefield and as the after glow fades the Stormcast have arrived. Liberators behind the lines ready to smash the Clanrats. Prosecutor's in the back tower to claim it. Relictor and Devestator's on the left to seize that objective. Celestant on Dracoth lands in front of the clanrats. Oldblood and Dracoth use their ranged ability's to wound a stormfiend.
Prosocuters and Decimators land.
Liberators Charge the Clanrats, several rats die to only a a wound on each unit of liberators.
Turn 2 Skaven
Arch warlock is befuddled by the mystical terrian. Right Flank Clanrats move up to form a thin brown line, to deny the Celestant a way forward. Right flank Rat Ogors move up to contest the middle objective. Fiends open fire on the Old blood, in a hail of bullets, poison wind and warp fire. As the smoke clears the old blood limps forward, but is notoriously still alive (1 wound remains)
Left flanks objective Clanrats retreat from the liberator's. Better to avoid the hammers for a round.
The Rat ogors on the right flank, turn around to get at the Liberators. Whipped into a frenzy by the pack master, the Ogors tear the Liberators down to one man. He kills an couple of Clanrats as revenge. Before they retaliate and take him down.
End of the turn Seraphon/Stormcast control 2 objectives to the state's 1, so gain a victory point.
Nagash's laughter rumbles through the realm, the night haunts go on an orgy of attacks wounding many of the combatants.
Turn 3 Seraphon/Stormcast
Dracoth and Old blood shoot at the fiends killing 1 and wounding another. The they charge the enemies in front of them.
Only the Relictor makes it into combat with the Ogors. Wounds are exchanges but no one dies.
Old blood kills a fiend and inspite his bloodied state the Stormfiends is unable to kill him. Celestant goes nuts and kill 7 Clanrats, the 3 remaining unsurprisingly flee.
Night haunts (scenario) kill half the Clanrats the other half flee the battle in shock.
Not taken enough photos
Rat Ogres hold the objective. Lord celestant rides down the flank and slams into the Rat Ogors, the rat beasts take the initiative and rip the celestant and Dracoth to pieces
On the left flank, the Lord Relictor's lightning strike is off target, then the rat ogors kill the Relictor. Angry about leaders death the decimator, charge into the Ogors killing one, but then die from the remaining mutant rats and their pack master.
On the back left flank, Liberators charge after the Clanrats, catching and killing them, but not before they lose one of their own.
The last remaining Stormfiends, is armed with warp fire throwers raise both arms and burns the old blood and dinosaur to death.
The tower garrison of Stormfiends exit the building to run back and retake the hill. Unleashing a hail of bullets, gas and fire as they run, they assault the hill and kill the liberators a top it.
Combined arms of the Ogors and their master kill the decimators.
Last couple of turns follow quickly as we Theory out how the battle will finish, I have 3 capturing units left to claim 3 objectives for the next 2 turns. My opponent's units are no long big enough to claim objectives or big enough to dislodge me from mine. I score 2 points.
Skaven victory
You will be wondering what happened to my arch warlock. Well he entered the Mystical terrain turn 1 and the failed the next 3 turns worth of befuddled tests.
Great game, that only swung with some lucky combats turn 3.
That scenario really spreads out your forces. And with the night haunts attacking both opponent's at the end of each turn, small units quickly find them self's too weak to claim any objective's.
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