Thursday, 4 February 2016

Hobby update

Sorry for the lack of content, the current project is a big one, so at my modest pace will take another month or 2. So until then let me share some progress shots.

Thanquol and Boneripper and the Vermin king are the current project.
 I decide that 2 arms is not enough for me, and using the additional arms from the kit. I cut, filed, begged and pleaded, glue and green stuff 2 extras arms on to the model.

 This means I had (wanted) to re position the glave hand, more filing and green stuff.
 Filling gaps

 Got a little carried away on the base adding rocks (mulliputt) gravel and rats.
 I had so many left over rats and mulliputt I used them to make up a rat swarm. using a bit off the screaming bell I had laying around and a match stick.
 Mulliputt as flagstones.

 Thanquol got a similar basing treatment. But thankfully I didn't convert him in any major way.

 Ready to paint.

 Made a giant die at work out of steel sheet.
 My very talented partner made a light saber cake, for our eldest's birthday.

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